My Story
I worked as a high-seas biologist in the Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in the 1980s and then became a marine wildlife activist in Washington, DC. My idea of protecting dolphins and other sea creatures with the power of words led me to organize and lead the lobbying effort for the Dolphin Safe tuna campaign of 1990—the first and only US labeling law for the benefit of wildlife. While teaching policy as a university professor, I learned about the Peace Corps from my students and then served as a “mature” Peace Corps volunteer in several Jamaican Blue Mountain villages in 2018–2020 and 2023–2024. I have written extensively about the environment and local community-owned businesses and my work has been published in the Los Angeles Times, The Cousteau Society’s Calypso Log, the Baltimore Sun, and US News & World Report, among other publications. I have also been interviewed by national and international news outlets, including Outside Magazine, The Miami Herald, The Washington Post, NPR, and CBS.